I help tired parents teach their babies to fall asleep on their own and sleep through the night.

I only use responsive methods and a holistic, evidence-based approach, so no one has to resort to crying it out.

  • Getting your baby to sleep is exhausting and time consuming

  • No matter what you do, your baby wakes frequently at night

  • You don’t want to cry it out, but don’t know what else to do

  • You can’t be the kind of parent you want to be because of lack of sleep

  • Your fuse is short and your nerves are always fried

  • You feel jealous or sad when other parents mention how good their baby sleeps

  • You dread bedtime because of how exhausting the nights are

  • It’s hard to enjoy motherhood because you’re so depeleted from poor sleep

Does any of this sound familiar?

You are not alone.

I’ve been there too.

So have countless parents around the world.

Like many of the clients I’ve worked with, you probably feel like you’ve tried everything.

You may even feel resigned to being this tired forever.

But I promise, there is hope.

What You Can Expect from Working with Me

  • Baby sleep trained with gentle sleep training methods.

    A Well-rested Baby

    Quality sleep encourages development by improving memory, digestion, and mood; regulating hormones; and supporting the formation of neural connections.

  • Happy mom and 5 month old baby sleep trained with gentle sleep training methods.

    Easy Naps and Bedtimes

    Gentle sleep training makes your family's naps and bedtimes more enjoyable, without all the sleep struggles, sleep props, and false starts.

  • Baby in her crib, sleep trained with gentle sleep training methods.

    Consolidated Night Sleep

    I help parents teach their baby to sleep through the night without night weaning prematurely, so the whole family can get more consolidated sleep stretches at night.

  • sleep-consultant-denver

    Quick Results

    My methods are gentle, but effective. Most families I work with see improved sleep in 3 days and have an independent sleeper within the week.


  • You’ll recieve your custom sleep plan within 48 hours of completing your intake and consent forms. The email support included in your package begins once you receive your plan.

  • No. Many parents confuse sleep training with ‘cry it out’, but I specialize in compassionate and responsive methods for teaching babies independent sleep skills.

  • I use methods that respect your child’s instinctual need for safe attachment and reassurance. Studies have shown that these methods do not interfere with the bonding process. Most sleep-deprived parents find that their bond with their baby actually improves after sleep training. This is because everyone is getting the rest they need.

  • I work with babies 4 months old up to 18 months old. Based on current research, I don't recommend formal sleep training younger than 4 months old, as newborns don't have mature sleep cycles. I don't currently work with children past 18 months old.

  • Because of the time and effort involved in creating these plans, the packages are non-refundable. But it's unlikely that this won’t work for your little one. When applied correctly, these methods have proven to be over 99% successful.

  • While results vary slightly, most families see an improvement within 3 to 4 days and have a fully independent sleeper within 1 to 2 weeks.

  • Results can never be 100% guaranteed, but these techniques are highly successful. You are encouraged to follow the steps in your sleep plan and be consistent for best results. The rare exception when these methods don’t work is usually due to a disorder or medical condition, in which case, you'd need to seek further advice from a healthcare professional.


What other parents say about working with me