Helping families thrive with holistic sleep support.

Struggling with your baby’s sleep? You’re not alone. I help families sleep better with custom sleep plans and one-on-one support. With my methods, tired parents never have to resort to cry it out.

✔ Responsive methods

✔ Longer sleep stretches

✔ Easy naps and bedtimes

✔ Sleep improvement within the week

✔ Parent-baby bond friendly

Smiling mother holding her happy 7 month old baby after gentle sleep training with a sleep consultant.

I’ve been where you are.

Exhausted. Discouraged. Confused.

I remember scouring the internet at 3am, up again with my 5 month old, desperate to get him to sleep longer than an hour at a time. Information online was contradictory, and nothing worked. I wasn’t sleeping for days at a time, and it seemed to be getting worse. I couldn’t be the mom I wanted to be because I was so depleted. 

You may be feeling similar, stretched too thin to enjoy these fleeting moments with your baby. But, quality rest is possible.

There is a solution. You and your little one can sleep peacefully, without crying it out.

Mother holding her sleeping 5 month old baby before gentle sleep training.

Make sleepless nights a thing of the past.

When you work with me, you get clear, step-by-step guidance for responsive sleep-training. Every package also comes with ongoing support throughout the process.  I use compassionate, evidence-based methods, and I work with babies 4 months up to 18 months old.  Each plan is customized around the individual child and family.

You don’t have to do this alone.

Custom sleep plans arrive within 24-48 hours. That means you could be sleeping again in days.

Happy 6 month old baby with her mother after gentle sleep training with a gentle pediatric sleep consultant.

Benefits of Formal Sleep Training

9 month old baby sleeping in her crib after gentle sleep training with a sleep consultant.

Improved Sleep Quality

Resolving the sources of sleep struggles eliminates a baby’s reliance on parents for sleep, so they can move between sleep cycles on their own and get long stretches of deep, restorative sleep.

Happy 7 month old baby with her mom after gentle sleep training with a sleep consultant.

Reduced Night Wakings

Independent baby sleep skills reduces the frequency and duration of night wakes by helping them to go back down to deep brainwave sleep states on their own when they pass lighter sleep stages.

4 month old baby after sleep training with gentle methods with one of the best sleep consultants.

Developmental Support

Quality sleep helps to support babies' physical, emotional, cognitive, and social development. It also helps foster secure attachments by improving the mood of both the child and parents.  

Smiling mom with her 6 month old baby after sleep training with a gentle sleep consultant.

Parental Well-being

Long stretches of consolidated sleep helps lower stress and improves mood and overall well-being. This frees up parents’ emotional and mental energy for caring for their child.


  • You’ll recieve your custom sleep plan within 48 hours of completing your intake and consent forms. The email support included in your package begins once you receive your plan.

  • No. Many parents confuse sleep training with ‘cry it out’ methods, but there are compassionate and responsive ways to teach a baby independent sleep skills. With the methods I use, you will not be leaving your baby to cry alone for hours.

  • I use methods that respect your child’s instinctual need for safe attachment and reassurance. Most sleep-deprived parents find that their bond with their baby actually improves after sleep training. This is because everyone is getting the rest they need.

  • I work with babies 4 months old up to 18 months old. Based on current research, I don't recommend sleep training younger than 4 months old, as newborns should be nursed on demand and spend lots of time on their caregivers. And I don't work with children past 18 months old, as sleep issues at that point are already well-established.

  • Because of the time and effort involved in creating these plans, the packages are non-refundable. But it's unlikely that this won’t work for your little one. When applied correctly, these methods have proven to be over 99% successful.

  • While results vary slightly, most families see an improvement within 3 to 4 days and have a fully independent sleeper within 1 to 2 weeks.

  • Results cannot be 100% guaranteed, but these techniques are highly successful. The rare exception when it doesn’t work is usually due to a disorder or medical condition, in which case, you'd need to seek further advice from a healthcare professional.

Should I work with a sleep consultant? Here are 10 signs you should.
  • Your baby fights you at naps and bedtimes, and/or won’t stay asleep

  • Other areas of your life or health are suffering from lack of sleep

  • Getting your little one down is exhausting and time consuming

  • You’re losing confidence as a parent because of your baby’s sleep situation

  • You can’t do other things because your baby relies on you so much for sleep

You May Benefit from Working with a Sleep Consultant if:

  • You don’t want to let your baby “cry it out”, but don’t know what else to do

  • You want to enjoy being a parent, but the exhaustion is wearing you down

  • You can’t be the kind of parent you want to be because of the lack of sleep

  • Your fuse is getting short and your nerves are always fried

  • You feel confused, jealous, or sad when other parents mention how good their baby sleeps